Concept 3: An aerodyne running up and down on a mast


The aerodyne in form for instance of a flat plate, an airfoil or a sail, mounted into a frame, is attached on a mast by ropes, runs upward with positive angle of attack, downward with negative angle and produces energy in both phases, as it does in concept 2. A rudder aligns the aerodyne into the wind direction. Several solutions are feasible. One with a sail, which can curve upward and down forming a profile similar to an airfoil, has been designed and tested in several versions. The fig. 5 shows the schematic design, fig 6 to 9 some of the practically built up versions.


Fig 5

A: sail; B: rotating mast; C: sail frame; D: chain or belt;
E: vertical rudder; F: bobbins; G: trolley; H: springs;
I: anchoring ropes; J: frame axis; K: revolving joints of the mast;
U: rods to tilt the frame up and down






Ingenieurbüro Franetzki